Cleanup in Sacramento County is Underway

Residents and businesses look to recover as trees fall and power outages mount

Cleanup in Sacramento County is Underway

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Sacramento County took a big hit this past weekend as a powerful storm knocked down trees and establishments leaving a pile of rubble debris for crews to clean up. 

Among the casualties of the disaster was the Pancake Circus, an iconic establishment gracing Broadway's thoroughfare for generations. Its vintage signage, a relic of 1968, bore the brunt of the storm's wrath, leaving owner Adnan Anwar reeling from the sight of the damage.

"This morning, I came in (and) saw the damage," said Anwar in an interview with ABC 10 News. "So, I was all like, 'Oh, my God. This is the sign (that's) been here since 1968."

Aside from the sign, officials tallied 145 felled trees, particularly concentrated in Carmichael. Cleanup crews have been working through the week to restore order amidst the chaos.

"Crews have been working since last night into this morning, trying to clear out the trees to make sure that people on the roads have a place to drive safely," said Matt Robinson, a Sacramento County spokesman in the ABC 10 News article.

During the storm’s peak, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) records indicate a staggering 200,000 customers were without power. Round-the-clock efforts are underway to expedite power restoration to all affected.

Ongoing high winds make swift response times more difficult, impeding crews from using necessary equipment to get up and work on power lines. 

While Gov. Gavin Newsom has declared a state of emergency for Southern California, Sacramento County officials clarify that such measures haven't been warranted locally. Nonetheless, they remain vigilant, urging residents to exercise patience as recovery efforts persist. 

Information gathered from ABC 10 News article. Read the original here -


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